My journey of DNS, including self-hosting the resolver with Pi-hole and AdGuard Home, using paid services like NextDNS and AdGuard DNS, and public privacy-respecting resolvers.
My experience with the latest Home Assistant hardware from Nabu Casa
What is a Cloud Development Environment (CDE) and why would I ever need one?
Moquettes have been used on public transport around the world for over 100 years. Find out what they are and why in this post...
Tauri is excellent at building cross-platform lightweight desktop applications using web technology. This post covers what Tauri is, and what it can do.
Working with reduced motion and Svelte transitions can be easy. In this post I cover how we can adapt our website for those who prefer reduced motion, and how to use svelte-reduced-motion to make your transitions accessible.
Read this post to learn how to leverage Svelte Kit endpoints, along with a CMS such as sanity to create a RSS feed for your blog.